Cervical Aids
CA2 Hard Cervical Collar (Adjustable)
1.Made of high density Polyethlene Sheet.
2. Two Piece height adjustment to maintain desired flexion or extension.
3. Banian Foam Padding for comfort.
4. Velcro closures for easy application, removal and adjustment.
5. Ventilation through holes to allow air circulation for comfort.
6. Washable.
1.Cervical Spondylolysis.
2. Cervical Disc Disease.
3. Torticolles.
4. Stabilization or hyperextension of the Cervical Region.
5. Cervical Neuralgia.
6. Vertebro basicular insufficiency.
7. Treatment of Whiplash Injuries.
8. Early Rheumatoid Disease.
Small, Medium, Large